The Brilliant Healers New Life in the Shadows - Elarc Toons
The Brilliant Healers New Life in the Shadows
Followed by 8 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2022
Author Hishikawa Sakaku
Artist Junoichi Ten
Serialization SB Creative
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The Brilliant Healers New Life in the Shadows

The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows // Isshun de Chiryou shiteita no ni Yakudatazu to Tsuihousareta Tensai Chiyushi, Yami Healer to shite Tanoshiku Ikiru // 一瞬で治療していたのに役立たずと追放された天才治癒師、闇ヒーラーとして楽しく生きる

Synopsis The Brilliant Healers New Life in the Shadows

Born a poor man in the slums, Zenos never had opportunities in life, so he decides to forge his own opportunities by teaching himself the curative arts after a chance encounter with a healer. When an adventuring party led by a man named Aston extends him an invitation, Zenos is elated—only to then be treated like dirt by his teammates. Despite Zenos’s diligent efforts to hone his skills to nothing short of perfection, the party deems him useless and kicks him out. Bereft of money and options, Zenos starts an illegal clinic and becomes a shadow healer. Word of his healing genius spreads quickly throughout the city’s underbelly, and as his reputation grows among the dregs of society, knowledge of Zenos’s esteem reaches the wrong ears…
