Senpai, Chotto ii Desu ka? - Elarc Toons
Senpai, Chotto ii Desu ka?
Followed by 1 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2020
Author Kuromiya Sakana
Artist Kuromiya Sakana
Serialization Manga Time Kirara Forward (Houbunsha)
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Senpai, Chotto ii Desu ka?

Senpai, Can I Have a Moment? // 先輩、ちょっといいですか?

Synopsis Senpai, Chotto ii Desu ka?

A super-sheltered girl, Shiranui Rei, has a lot of things she doesn’t know! She asks her questions to her senior, who is also a library committee member. But sometimes, her questions are hard to answer…!?
