Looks are all you need - Elarc Toons
Looks are all you need
Followed by 2 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2023
Author Mikawa Ghost
Artist Mikawa Ghost
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Looks are all you need

顔さえよければいい教室 // Kaosae yokereba ii kyoushitsu // Lớp học đề cao gương mặt đẹp // Everyone has talent. if only we could realize it.

Synopsis Looks are all you need

Ryouran high school is a private arts academy where geniuses in every field—music, dance, fashion—gather. but in reality, looks decide the students’ success, not talent. my sister, shiika ikebukuro, is a shut-in who can’t do anything without her older brother, and i was sure that devastating lack of charisma would doom her. but i know a secret. though you’d never guess it, behind her mask, the internet sensation vsinger is none other than my sister, shiika! her voice is one of a kind, but will it be enough to overcome ryouran high’s entire social order?
